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Graduation Requirements

In order to graduate from SLS students must meet the following requirements:

  1. Students must achieve a passing grade in all subjects.

  2. Official English Exams Results: Each student must achieve a pre-determined standard level on official English exams; in the event this level is not reached by June of his senior year, he will not graduate and will return in September of the following school year to take a make-up exam.

  3. Essential Reading List: Students must read a minimum number of books prior to graduation; a list of titles is provided by the school.

About: Summary

Conduct and Discipline

Shoreless Lake School will provide an environment conducive to the spiritual growth and development of young people. A standard of conduct is necessary to provide such an environment. A Christian should endeavor to avoid practices that decrease his sensitivity to his spiritual needs in the world and/or endanger his physical, mental, or spiritual well-being.


A Code of Honor has been established to regulate student behavior in our school. 

About: Our Mission


  • School to Parents: The School Secretary will notify parents of any changes in the academic calendar.

  • Parent to Teacher: Parents are encouraged to keep us informed of any changes that may affect their child's learning.

  • Report Cards: Report Cards are sent home at the end of each marking period.

  • Thinkwave™: SLS uses a School Information System hosted on Internet servers and accessible to all the school members of the school. In a safe and personalized environment the school staff updates on a regular basis the information of the school courses as well as the academic progress of each student. Parents and students can access this system from anywhere in the world through a simple web browser. Through this system parents and students can keep track of grades, homework, absences, discipline records, schedules, course programs, etc. The school will mail the access codes to parents during the first marking period.


Progress Reports are given to students at the teacher's discretion. Reports are sent to parents whose children are not performing to the best of their ability or who cause behavioral concerns. Reports may also be sent to students who have shown improvement.

About: Background
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School Campus

The school building is a bright, clean, and spacious structure that offers spectacular vistas of the countryside. Classrooms, meeting rooms, a dining room, functional workspaces, a large study area, a kitchen, a chapel, administrative offices, and ample storage areas meet all practical demands of students and staff; high-speed Internet access, networked computers, DVD players, and other learning media resources meet all their educational needs.


Eleven acres of ground in a natural environment provide excellent resources for recreational activity as well as for enrichment of the academic program.

About: Our Philosophy

Student Activity Center

The Student Activity Center is only a thirty-minute drive away to Mazarrón, on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. This center offers a wide variety of activities for both boarding and day students that include swimming, fishing, gardening, raising and tending animals, and watching films. The center is equipped with state-of-the-art technology including a collection of over 1000 DVD videos and an extensive collection of video games and software.

About: Our Beliefs

School: +34 968 424386

Fax: +34 968 158833

Apdo. 239, 30850 Totana, Murcia


© 2024 by Shoreless Lake School

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